CommonersReveal Details
The reveal is scheduled for Friday Jan 26, 3PM PST!
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Learn more about the reveal process below.
Reveal Stages
Open Mint + Collection Indexed
Commoners have successfully minted the first Bitcoin Ordinal 10k collection on uncommon sats!
The first 10,000 valid Commoner inscriptions have been indexed from the blockchain.
Unshuffled list of valid inscription IDs: available here →
Shuffle Block Height Announcement
Announced at scheduled reveal time: Friday Jan 26, 3PM PST
The team will pick a future block height within 4 blocks at the scheduled reveal time.
It will be published here and announced on the Twitter account (make sure to turn alerts on!)
The block hash of that block will be used as entropy to shuffle the list of valid Commoners in the next stage.
Shuffle block height: 827541
Inscription List Shuffle
To ensure fair randomness, the list of inscription IDs will first get sorted alphabetically. Then, the block hash of the selected future block will be used as entropy to shuffle the list of inscription IDs.
The resulting shuffled list will act as the map for mapping inscription IDs to specific Commoners.
To ensure fairness, the shuffled list will be immediately available here once the shuffle block height has been hit.
At this point, the collection attributes will be considered finalized and immutable.
The numbers 0 to 9,999 will be shuffled randomly using a recently mined block as a source of entropy.
This results in a new list of 10,000 length: [5465, 3829, 192, 1243...]
Using the above as an example:
- The first Inscription ID will be assigned Commoner #5465
- The second Inscription ID will be assigned Commoner #3829
- and so on, for the full 10k
Feel free to download the script below, add your inscription ID, and run it locally with `ts-node shuffle.ts`
You will have to change the inscriptionId and shuffleHeight values accordingly before running the script.
You can install ts-node from npm with `npm install -g ts-node`
Loading Shuffle Script...
Final Renderer Upgrade
After list shuffled
Due to the nature of the mempool, there may be up to a 90 minute delay while we inscribe a final upgrade to the renderer with the shuffled inscription list before the upgrade logic is locked forever.
Once the renderer upgrade is confirmed on-chain, the collection will be revealed on-chain!
On-Chain Reveal
After renderer upgrade gets confirmed on-chain
The collection will be revealed on-chain!
Important: Marketplaces may temporarily continue to display the placeholder images while the renderer upgrade is being confirmed in the blockchain. Our team will work with the major marketplaces to resolve this as quickly as possible.
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